The BioBridge provides key connections between clinicians, researchers, and industry within the health innovation ecosystems of Australia and New Zealand. This Trans-Tasman collaboration helps spark conversations and build anchored science and business partnerships with long-term strategic benefits for the development of new healthcare technologies and business opportunities.

The BioBridge is hosted by the Auckland Bioengineering Institute at the University of Auckland, on behalf of the CMDT, and the Liverpool Innovation Precinct in Sydney. Stage 1 of the BioBridge project has been funded as an MBIE Catalyst Influence Activities Project from 2020 to 2023.

The BioBridge is open to researchers, clinicians, and companies within the MedTech space; more specifically, in medical devices and digital health.

​Researchers across the Tasman have used this platform to develop new partnerships with complementary expertise and knowledge, whilst companies have used this to help identify key opinion leaders and specific business expertise. 

​Trans-Tasman connections are supported through curated workshops, 1:1 meetings, and international delegations. 

If you’re interested to learn how the BioBridge can connect you across the Tasman, to find out more.

Akoranga Take | Case Studies

Kiriti Rambhatla
Kiriti, a creative technologist and founder of an Australian space health start-up, was seeking collaborators. The BioBridge curated a virtual workshop with select New Zealand academics, facilitating follow-ups that led to an MOU with AUT. He was also invited to speak at HealthTech Week 2022, and the BioBridge arranged meetings in Auckland, resulting in another agreement.
Professor Paul Breen
Professor Breen from Western Sydney University was interested in connecting to NZ based academics with similar research interests. The BioBridge team introduced him to Dr Vickie Shim and her team at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute. ​He was offered a place in the delegation to HealthTech Week 2022 to grow these connections. Paul and Vickie are now collaborating on a research proposal.
Toku Eyes
Toku Eyes is a New Zealand start-up with an artificial intelligence platform for diagnostic assessments using retinal screening. Founder and CEO Ehsan Vaghefi was interested in connections to commercialisation experts in Australia. Through the BioBridge, Dr Vaghefi was introduced to his now executive director, Gerard Wallace, who has been instrumental in their commercialisation efforts and growth of the company. 

Nga Awheawhe O Mua | Previous Workshops

Emerging Technologies for Gut Health



  • Dr Jerry Zhou - Western Sydney University
  • Dr Kyle Berean - Atmo Biosciences

​New Zealand

  • Associate Professor Peng Du, University of Auckland
  • Professor Greg O'Grady, Alimetry

Watch the Australia-New Zealand BioBridge workshop to learn about innovative technologies transforming gastroenterology for more personalized care and improved patient outcomes.


Emerging Technologies for Gut Health



  • Dr Jerry Zhou - Western Sydney University
  • Dr Kyle Berean - Atmo Biosciences

​New Zealand

  • Associate Professor Peng Du, University of Auckland
  • Professor Greg O'Grady, Alimetry

Watch the Australia-New Zealand BioBridge workshop to learn about innovative technologies transforming gastroenterology for more personalized care and improved patient outcomes.

3D Printing in Health



  • Dr Aidan O'Mahony - Inventia Life Science

New Zealand

  • Associate Professor Khoon Lim - UoO
  • Dr Seamus Tredinnick - OssAbility

This workshop explores the growing applications of 3D printing in medical fields, including orthopaedics, trauma surgery, and bioprinting for regenerative engineering and implants.

AI in Health



  • Professor Mark Parsons - UNSW
  • Associate Professor Paul Middleton - WSU
  • Jean Boudaud - Pharmalex

New Zealand

  • Associate Professor Robyn Whittaker - UoA
  • Professor Gill Dobbie - UoA
  • Will Hewitt - Heartlab

This workshop brings together a panel to explore some of the areas where AI and ML are being investigated to help transform healthcare delivery and possibly solve some of our biggest health challenges.

Covid Accelerating Technology



  • Professor Mark Parsons - UNSW
  • Associate Professor Paul Middleton - WSU
  • Jean Boudaud - Pharmalex

New Zealand

  • Associate Professor Robyn Whittaker - UoA
  • Professor Gill Dobbie - UoA
  • Will Hewitt - Heartlab

This workshop brings together a panel of experts exploring Covid-19, the potential long term effects and the technologies assisting healthcare during this pandemic and for the future.




  • Tara Croft - Baymatob

New Zealand

  • Dr Jenny Kruger - JunoFem
  • Dr Alys Clark - UoA

This workshop brings together researchers and industry in Femtech, an area of diagnostics, software or services that use technology specifically to improve the health and wellbeing of women.

Nga Whakahoahoa O Naianei | Current Partnerships

Hoapā Matua | Key Contacts

Dr. Diana Siew
The University of Auckland
Lance Chia
Liverpool Innovation Precinct
Ella Dixon
The University of Auckland